
"Moments in Time" pour 2Crafty

Hello 2Crafty fans!

Isn't it crazy how time flies by? It's something that's been popping in my mind over and over in the past few months as COVID-19 forced us to take a bit of a break in our crazy life and re-focus on ourselves and our loved ones. During these times, I spent more quality time than since a very long time with my kids and I had the chance to see how fast they grow up, how they can transform in mere months. This made me realize how fast time passes, how important it is to make the best of every instant.

"Moments in Time"


For the "Clock face discs", I used ivory embossing enamel.


On the "Frame Nella's", I applied some gold wax and then added some black paint applied very roughly on top.


With the "Vintage Keys", I used green shimmering paint and black ink on top to give a bit of a vintage look.

On the title, "Moments in Time", I used brown embossing ink and dabbed some gold wax on top of it with my finger.

I used the following 2Crafty chipboards in this layout:

Clock face discs [m00795]

Vintage Keys [M00292]

Frame Nella's [FR0071]

Moment in time [W00597]

That's all for me today! I hope you enjoyed this layout and that it gave you some inspiration for your own creations! I wish you the best and I'll be back in a few weeks with more ideas to share with you. See you soon!



"This is the new normal" pour 2Crafty

Hello 2Crafty fans!

Summer season is well underway here in Quebec but it's a very strange one this year. 2020 is unlike anything we ever seen or experienced in our lifetime. One little virus made it so we can't fully be ourselves, we can't do all the things we like to do, hug the people we love to hug. But all in all, we're glad that our family is together and we haven't lost any loved ones. We're rediscovering joy in the little things of life. 

"This is the new normal"

On the "Lace Doily Frame", I used my finger to apply a teal wax. Then, on top of it, I applied watercolour navy paint.

On the "Addy's Butterflies", I applied a navy wax and a white pearl embossing powder on top of it. On the "6x4 Phrase Sticks Set 1", I applied 2 coats of teal embossing powder. For the "Maggie's Swirl", I used pink-gold shimmering paint and added a pink embossing ink on top.

For the title, "This is the new normal", I used a midnight-gold embossing ink.

I used the following 2Crafty chipboards in this layout:

Lace Doily Frame [fr0130]

Maggie's Swirl [m00336]

Addy's Butterflies [m00581]

6x4 Phrase Sticks Set 1 [m0870]

Covid-19 [cov004]

That's all for me today! I hope you enjoyed this layout and that it gave you ideas for your own creations! I'll be back soon with more inspiration to share with you guys. Until then, stay safe and if you're under lockdown, then it's the perfect time for more crafting! See you in a few weeks!