
"Live Laugh Love" pour 2Crafty

Hello 2Crafty fans!

Last week-end was pretty exciting for me as I was celebrating my birthday with a great bunch of friends and my family! To kick off the celebrations early, I decided that I would indulge a bit and prepare a layout featuring my own face juuuust before I get older again!

I'm pretty happy about the result, especially with the chipboards on which I tried a few new techniques.

"Live Laugh Love"

I hand-applied wax on the "Flourish Adornment Set 6" chipboard and inked the borders with black ink.

For the "Frame Celia's Flourish", I applied black paint, waited for it to dry, then applied rose-gold paint. I applied pink embossing ink on top and finally inked the border in black.

On the "Dianne's doily set", I applied white-pink embossing enamel. For the title, "Live Laugh Love", I used bronze embossing enamel.

I used the following 2Crafty chipboards in this layout:
Frame Celia's Flourish [FR0048]
Flourish Adorment Set 6 [PA0048]
Dianne's Doily Set [M00586]
Live Laugh Love [W00223]

That's all for me today! I hope you enjoyed this layout and it gave you some inspiration for your own creations! I'll be back soon with more ideas to share with you guys!


"Summer" pour 2Crafty

Hello 2Crafty fans!

The cold weather is starting to set in here in Quebec, where the tree leaves are starting to fall and we've already had the first night where it actually froze outside! I'm already missing the summer gone only a few weeks ago, so a layout with some summer memories is the perfect thing to cheer me up!


For the "Flourish Adornment Set 7", I used red embossing ink and applied black ink on the borders.

On the "Ella's border", I used charcoal metallic paint, slightly diluted with water.

On the "Decorative Doily" behind the picture, I applied irridescent rose-gold paint and inked the borders in black. For the title, "line words summer", I cut the chipboard to only use the word "summer" and then applied some tea colored ink.

For this layout, I used the following 2Crafty chipboards:

Ella's Border [db0105]
Line Words -Summer Borders [db0091]
Decorative Doily [m00818]
Flourish Adornment Set 7 [pa0050]

That's all for me today! I hope you enjoyed this layout and it gave you some inspiration for your own creations! I'll be back soon as we venture through the very colorful fall season here in Quebec.